Tasos Varoudis Spatial Intelligence, Space Syntax and Urban Computing Researcher, Consultant and Professor

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Professor Tasos Varoudis (Dipl.-Ing MArch MSc(Eng CS) PhD ARB TEE-TCG) is a qualified architect and computing engineer with research focusing on architecture, machine intelligence and spatial computation. Since 2011 he drives the spatial computation and machine intelligence research for the Space Syntax Laboratory at the Bartlett School of Architecture (UCL) where he is developing new methodological and computational innovations combining spatial data-driven models with machine learning and agent-based models. He leads ‘depthmapX’ spatial network analysis software that has attracted more than 150k downloads since its open-source release in 2012.

He co-created and lead the Machine Learning Urbanism Research Cluster 14 (RC14) for the MArch Urban Design and the Spatial Analytics and Computation at the MSc in Spatial Design: Architecture and Cities. His research interests are driven by the concept of ‘spatial dynamics’, the interaction between architectural space and machine intelligence, and are now under the umbrella of the Machine Intelligence Lab.